Facts of Life

Facts of Life

The King and Queen decided their children needed to learn the facts of life.

Ruby spoke of the birds and bees to the girls. (Princess Robin, enamored by the birds, decided to become an ornithologist, but secretly desired to be Queen Bee.)

Ed told the Princes to always be prepared.



The Peasants feared Sheriff Barney Jones, appointed by the King. They timidly petitioned Edward for the right to vote for a new one. Irked, the King agreed, but appointed Bulldog Casey to oversee the election.

They nominated former peasant Arnold. After the amazingly quick vote count, Arnie lost.

And disappeared.

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letters of the alpabeth


King Edward attended the World Conference on Crime, a bi-annual event. All the monarchs agreed reducing food theft from palace storehouses was the top priority. Several mountain kings credited a new punishment in reducing repeat offenses.

When he returned, Ed ordered a gross of large wooden As, Bs, and Cs.

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Body Bags


Body Bags

For fun, King Edward cut Samuel the Executioner’s budget. Despondent, Sam watched sales channels.

“Whoa!  Vacuums suck air out of bags!” Just what he needed: No more knives to sharpen. And they could be reused. Impressed, Ed ordered the prototype be tested by Sam.

The King didn’t like him anyway.

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